Thursday, July 21, 2011

Authentic Assessment and Blended Learning Edutopia Resources

Edutopia offers great support for teachers interested in authentic assessment and blended learning. I have been browsing through their site, getting ideas about what other teachers are doing. There are some very good resources there.

Photo courtesy of iStockphoto
As the teachers at my school have started getting together to plan this coming year, one thing that has become clear. We have a vision for the program, but figuring out how to get from where we are now to the fulfillment of that vision can be overwhelming.  I believe we can do it, but we will have to break it down and work on it step-by-step. One resource I read suggested planning by identifying what the end result is that you are shooting for, then working backward. I think that is a very good idea.

We have already gotten a good start.  For one thing, we have to allow for students who have attendance problems as well as for those who can move quickly through the curriculum.  I want assessments to go beyond multiple choice, True False kinds of tests.  That might be okay for some basic things, but we need to create authentic assessments - where students create a product that demonstrates they have mastered the course content/concepts.  It isn't just about course content - it is about helping our students to become master learners.  The tools we use are designed to empower students to be able to go on to whatever post-secondary education they choose and succeed. 

1 comment:

  1. Learning becomes fun, if students have teacher like you. I am glad to see your work.

    Sample Assessments
