Thursday, May 5, 2011

Week 1 Discussion: Copyright - Response to Holly

@ Holly Loganbill

In response to the videos about copyright, Holly wrote:
Copyright has been a very hot topic at school this year. I’ve been able to share the requirements with our teachers, who were very surprised to see some of the limits. It was distressing to learn that having students draw or write to a particular piece of music is an infringement, and “fair use” goes just so far. I’ve had to introduce my students to Wikimedia Commons for their images rather than Google Images, and they’re becoming pretty savvy about reading the copyright statements. It has pointed up a need to do more instruction on paraphrasing and giving credit for any new information gleaned from reading, even if the student feels they now know it themselves. We’re making progress, but it’s going to take time to get everyone on board. Awareness is an important first step.

Even before technology became an issue, copyright was a sore spot with educators. There has also been confusion over the years about what we can do and what we can’t. This is not surprising, as different industries have sometimes tried to restrict the use of their materials to a ridiculous degree.  For example, when my sons were little, the movie industry wanted to prohibit day care centers from being able to show movies to the kids without paying a fee.  Really.

You are absolutely right about the instruction in paraphrasing. I have pushed mine to document all of their sources.  I plan to develop a more organized way of keeping track of that for next year. Are you developing specific sets of lessons to support the skills, like paraphrasing, that you spoke of?  You’ve done some good video with your kids. Have you thought about having them help you produce a video role-playing correct and incorrect use of intellectual property? 

By the way, the image with this entry is a photo I took myself so that I would not violate anyone's copyright. Anyone who wants to is free to use this picture.

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