Thursday, May 19, 2011

Week 3 Wimba Response

By Margaret Riel ( [GFDL ( or CC-BY-SA-3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

Frankly, I have been sidetracked by last-minute demands at school.  This week's Wimba was a chance to get back on track and remember what I need to be doing for my month 11 presentation.  I am still a little bit at a loss about what to do with my presentation, and I'm not sure where I would present my findings.  The good news is I focused on engagement - which I can document. The bad news is that the poor and erratic attendance among students in my program really ground things to a halt toward the end of things and I am now limping along with three or four students to finish the movie - which was the culminating activity for the world history class.
I would love to try this again next year with a focus on increased literacy skills; however, right now I just need to wrap the ARP up. How do I sum up the whole project in 120 words? I'm sure I'm not the only one who has pondered that question.  The directions (again) in Wimba about how to structure the abstract were a good reminder.  I finally finished helping my team here at school create intake documents for the fall, so now I am going to focus completely on the task at hand. 

I need to clarify a couple of things, too.  I discovered that on my Blogger blog I can create separate pages with their own URL. I don't know if I can post Keynote there, though. And if I use my Mobile Me account, I will need to go over how to do that again. I appreciate my teammates in that respect. Although we no longer officially have teams, the friends I have made in previous team endeavors are the people I can rely on now when I am trying to figure something out.  Actually, a Keynote will be much easier to do than an iMovie.  But I'm a little rusty...

I am looking forward to seeing other people's ARP presentations.  I am sharing on Wednesday, which is one of the nights I don't have to teach.  Tonight I will probably go back through the first part of the Wimba to make sure I have all my ducks in a row. I have been a little distracted by changes that are going on with my program, but I can't afford to allow that to happen. Now is the time for that second wind people talk about!

Screen shot from Week 3 Wimba



  1. Hi Pat,
    I had the same thought about how to make a stab at describing my AR project in 120 words! It just ain't enough for me lol! I agree with you on Keynote it is easier and really kinda fun to use with less hassle than most programs. After we talked briefly on the phone I decided to get "drop box" program as well and see if that works well for our presentation uploads. I'm looking forward to what everyone comes up with too.

  2. Thanks for checking out the archive Pat - Looks like you didn't have too much trouble composing your abstract... Nice work! Hope the presentation went well on Wednesday night.
